What is Bootstrap? An In-depth Guide of the Framework

2022年1月11日 作者 root

In the same manner you may add the same spacing to the left and right of an element too. For example, mt-1 , mb-1 , ml-1 and mr-1 are all valid class names. There are two https://deveducation.com/ different ways to center images in Bootstrap. In the example above, the rounded-bottom class has been removed from the markup, leaving the borders to do your bidding.

how does bootstrap work

As much as possible, Bootstrap 4 tries not to take away your freedom. So yes, the rounded edges Bootstrap gives can be tweaked with your own styles. Incase you were wondering, you can also use the rounded-left and rounded-right classes for left and right borders respectively. Many times I find this more aesthetically pleasing than having square edges.

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Text-black-40 is another tiny class that gives the text a color of black with a 40% opacity. As you already know, text-white will give the h1 a white color, .lead will style the paragraph a little differently from other paragraphs. Every Bootstrap 4 .row is by default a flex-container.

how does bootstrap work

As you can see, the latest version of Bootstrap is a lot more modular than previous ones. If you just need a nice CSS reset, just use bootstrap-reboot.css (and its minified version for production). Similarly, if you just want to use the grid, include bootstrap-grid.css (or bootstrap-grid.min.css for production) in your project. Internet Explorer 8 and what is boostrap 9 are also supported, however, please be aware that some CSS3 properties and HTML5 elements are not fully supported by these browsers. In addition, Internet Explorer 8 requires the use of Respond.js to enable media query support. It automatically checks for several common HTML mistakes in webpages that are using Bootstrap in a fairly “vanilla” way.


For that, the first thing you want to do is create a folder on your computer or server for the project files. Open it with a text editor of your choice (e.g. Notepad++) and then paste the code below into it. Bootstrap, which is the topic of this tutorial, is a front-end framework that helps you build mobile responsive websites more quickly and easily. First developed by Twitter, it now powers anything from web applications to WordPress themes. The framework is also completely free, versatile, and intuitive. BOotstrap responsive design is based on the horizontal resolution of the rendering port – not even screeen (I get the same behavior when I resize the browser smaller).